Not loving your life? Then you’re not committed to the ONE thing that will change EVERYTHING

Mary Schiller
7 min readSep 20, 2018
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

A few days ago, I was *this* close to giving up being a coach. I was just a few hours away from making that decision — maybe even a few minutes.

While I knew that what I’ve been teaching people for the past few years has been helpful, it wasn’t good enough.

Something was missing, and I couldn’t see what it was.

For several weeks this summer, I took time to re-evaluate my business and everything I was doing professionally. I said to myself, “You know what? If I can’t figure out what’s missing, if I can’t figure out how to help people much — MUCH — better than I have been, I’m going to quit.”

An idea would occur to me, and then another, and another … and I rejected them all.

“That’s not it,” I heard in my head. “Nope, that’s not it, either.”

I waited. I felt very uncomfortable and confused much of the time. It wasn’t pleasant, but I didn’t mind or try to wish away that discomfort.

I’ve learned that that level of discomfort and confusion often appears before I’m about to see something big: really BIG.

So I waited some more.

And then this past Saturday, BOOM! There it was. The thing I’d been waiting to hear (even though I didn’t have a clue what it was going to be).

Over the past 2–1/2 years, I’ve coached people in all sorts of topic areas, including how to tap into creativity, how to de-stress around money, how to develop their own business, and how to have a happier life.

I have based my coaching on something that has been called the Three Principles, although I have taken that conversation in my own direction, using my own vocabulary and ideas.

I have focused on things like listening to — and acting on — inspiration and intuition; ignoring limitation- and expectation-type thinking; realizing that nothing “out there” is causing us to feel something; recognizing that we are the power in the equation, not random/thoughts feelings that show up in our heads.

That’s a brief and general summation.

But there is one question that I have been asked continuously over these past few years, one that until today (literally), I hadn’t been able to answer.

The question has been this: “Mary, I understand all of this stuff intellectually. I get the fact that there is nothing ‘out there’ that is causing me to feel something, and that my feelings come from transient thinking. I get that I am part of something greater than simply this body I’m in.

“But why don’t I FEEL this truth more of the time? Why don’t I feel at peace? Why don’t I feel happy? Why am I still having a really stressed-out experience (or anxious, or depressed, or fearful, or stuck, or whatever word fits) of life much of the time? I want a better experience!”

Until now, I thought the answer was that people were missing the point of the entire discussion.

What’s the point? Well, again until now, I thought that people were missing the Truth, capital T: that we are not the sum total of the thoughts/feelings we have, and we are not who we think we are, and we have everything we could ever want at all times, even when it looks like we don’t. Again, this is a really brief summary.

But today, I have seen a new reason why people aren’t having the kind of exciting, peaceful, joyful, effing AMAZING daily life experience that they want. Because by the way, that is the experience that I am having, and I want EVERYONE to have it!

It looks to me that the reason why you — if this is the case — aren’t having the kind of daily experience of joy, peace, happiness, freedom and success you really want to have is because … I’m nervous about saying this, but here goes …

You’re not really committed to making this self-discovery process your ONLY (not top, but ONLY) priority in life.

In other words …

It’s easier to keep riding the merry-go-round of habitual thinking and get involved in what it’s supposedly telling you about yourself (even though everything it’s saying is untrue, and you may even realize that).

It’s easier to keep looking toward techniques and tools which, deep down, you know don’t really work. You have ample evidence to prove that they don’t work, at least in any consistent and predictable way. Yet you keep going there for answers, like toward “attraction,” and “manifesting,” and “visioning,” and “affirmations” and “positive thinking” and all the rest. Even though you know that those things aren’t the answer.

It’s easier to keep suspecting, and trying to find, some “deep-rooted” causes for your actions/life situations, a never-ending search that leads ultimately nowhere. You look toward your “subconscious mind” and all sorts of other places. And still, you don’t have the experience you want. And still, you keep going there.

It’s easier to keep running into perceived dead-ends and going in circles and saying, “See! It’s impossible for me to really feel that kind of happiness I so desperately want, so I’ll just keep feeling crappy, I guess.”

It’s easier to keep looking “out there,” even when you don’t know where to look anymore. You keep searching and searching and searching, to no avail — but it’s still easier because you know this feeling, and it’s where you’re comfortable, even when you feel miserable.

It’s easier to keep doing the daily battles with your perceived limitations — emotional, mental, physical — because it’s what’s familiar to you.

Well, I’m here to tell you something. You can listen to me or not, it’s up to you, of course.

If you really want to experience freedom, joy, happiness, inner peace, creativity and so on every single day — important! — no matter what is going on in your life or even in the world at large …


I’m not ashamed anymore to say this: That is my experience of life. Every. Single. Day.

I FEEL AMAZING. No matter what is happening. No matter the circumstances in my life or in the world at large. And I’ve had some “stuff” happen these past four years, as we all have. That’s what happens!

But I never, ever thought this would be possible for me.

I hadn’t felt a true moment’s peace for 30 years of my life, from age 22 to 52 (from 1983 to 2014). That’s a long time to feel crappy. I had moments of joy, of course. Times when I felt things like love and happiness. But overall, my experience — that’s the key word, experience — of life was pretty awful. Certainly not a feeling of peace, ever. Literally, not one moment.

When I came across something new in 2014, a new way of seeing myself, I did something that I see very few people actually do.


I didn’t care what else happened as a result of doing that. I didn’t care if I went broke. I didn’t care if people in my life shunned me or told me I was crazy.

I didn’t want to look at anything “known” anymore or cling to what I had learned in the past, even when those things looked really tempting and comfortable.

I wanted to know what the heck was really going on here in this thing called LIFE.

In fact, I was DONE with trying to fix myself, trying to mend what looked like a life in tatters. DONE.

When I saw a glimpse of what looked like the real deal — finally, after 30 years — I threw myself into it and committed with everything that I am: to a life of continual self-discovery.

I gave up everything else, EVERYTHING ELSE, and said, “I want to know the Truth, capital T.”

As a result, very quickly after I made that commitment, my life EXPERIENCE started to change. Dramatically.

Not my circumstances, but my EXPERIENCE.

You may have heard me talk about this topic a lot, from watching my videos, attending my programs, or even being coached by me.

If you are not having the experience of life that you really want, it’s because of one thing:

>>>You have not made having this experience your number one priority in life. Period.<<<

You’ve gone with what’s easy, comfortable and familiar, instead — those things I listed, above.

Even if you say you’ve committed to it, you actually haven’t.

Because if you had, your experience of life would be effing AMAZING. Beyond your wildest dreams.

If that’s the case, it’s OK. No judgment here.

Because here’s the good news: It’s actually really easy to make this your number one priority.

It doesn’t take anything resembling “work.”

It doesn’t require you to drop everything you’re doing in life.

And once you have made this journey of self-discovery your only priority in life, the new experience of happiness, peace, success, freedom and all the rest — everything you want, that maybe right now you believe comes from something “out there” that you don’t yet have (like money, health, a relationship or whatever) — starts to happen effortlessly.

All it takes is COMMITMENT.

So I am renewing a promise I made to you and to myself four years ago.

I want to help you …

1) make that commitment, and

2) take the journey of self-discovery that will fundamentally change the way you experience life.

I want you to EXPERIENCE life the way you really want to: with peace, joy, freedom and everything you could ever dream of.

To that end, I want to be your mentor, your helper, whatever you want to call me: the person who gives you permission to make committing to having a new experience of life not just your highest priority, but your only priority.

And then, I’ll help you start that journey in the simplest way possible.

So stay tuned for something new from me. And in the meantime …

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments. Thank you so much for being here and for reading this post.

